Girls from Zelenograd are invited to make capodarco loved, and to discuss methods for improving family relationships

Girls from Zelenograd are invited to make capodarco loved, and to discuss methods for improving family relationships

Participants will produce capodarco loved the master classes, will be a first aid kit of essential oils and discuss how to improve family relationships. Training will take place on 1st and 4th February from 10.00 to 12.00 in the TC "Kryukovskaya estakada", pavilion 6.

Master class is a great opportunity to create acapodene for loved ones with his own hands.

Women talk how to refresh your relationship with a loved, fantasize, interesting to note February 14th, they will make holiday gifts – scented pads in the form of a heart, while sewing scented sachet-pads. They can be give to your man and use it as autoanalizador or sachets.

Participants will learn how to make natural essential kit, which, according to the organizers, will become your faithful companion in any situation, ranging from the prevention of colds and ending with stress relief, relaxation and creating a good mood for yourself and loved ones.

Places are limited, details and registration by phone 8-963-711-79-90 (Olga).