The all-Russian census of the population

The all-Russian census of the population


From the 14th till the 25th of October the all-Russian census of the population will be held in Moscow. Its slogan is “Everybody is important for Russia!”

The census data are unique and cannot be obtained from other sources. The information about population number and structure is a necessary condition for budgeting as well as social and economic development determination of Russia and its regions.

The census results will facilitate both making decisions on overcoming the crisis and raising of living standards in post-crisis period.

During the census people answer the question from the dedicated census list. The whole procedure usually takes not more than 20 minutes. The results of every national census form the results of the world census of the population.

The all-Russian census of the population in 2010 will be organized and held by more than 20 national departments and institutions.

All the information collected during the census of the population is anonymous and confidential and is to be processed for official statistical information formation only.