The final start of the European Biathlon Championship in Raubichi, Belarusian was a bunch of sprint and pursuit race.
In the first of these races, Zelenograd athlete Matvey Yeliseev failed to succeed in shooting prone – 2 misses. However the "stance" was overcome successfully. Matvey finished in 11th place, which was a good starting position in the pursuit race.
Already after the first successful shooting, Yeliseev climbed to intermediate 4th place. At the second turn, the first and only miss occurred in the race. After the penalty circle, Yeliseev was the ninth to cover the distance. Having completed the first stance without a miss, Matvey returned to 4th place. The fate of "silver" and "bronze" was decided at the last shooting. Unlike the pursuers, Matvey closed five targets and went to the last segment of the distance in proud solitude. He broke the tape to the fans’ ovation. Here is the first personal medal of Matvey Yeliseev in the European Championships!