Science and Industry
Zelenogradґs delegation in Duesseldorf
10.12.2007 | Zelenogradґs delegation (first deputy prefect A.Mikhalchenkov, head of Special Economic Zones federal agencyґs territorial administration S.Komyagin, head of Zelenograd Centre for entrepreneurship development M.Scherbakov, head of Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industryґs Zelenograd branch A. Novikov and deputy head of Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industryґs Zelenograd branchґs supervisory board A.Gritsai) visited Duesseldorf (Germany).
Sphere: Science and Industry
13.11.2007 | The delegation from Mongolia (the mayor of Ulan Bator Ts.Batbayar, the governor of Chingeltei region B.Ochirbat, the ambassador extraodinary L.Khangai and other highlight officials) visited Zelenograd. The guests attended Technopark "Zelenograd" and familiarized themselves with "Zelenogradvodokanal" company. The mayor of Ulan Bator was especially interested in environmental equipment as the problem of pollution became the question of the day in their city.
Sphere: Science and Industry
01.02.2007 | A session of Board of directors of Zelenograd electronic industry organizations chaired by the prefect of Zelenograd administrative district of Moscow Anatomy Smirnov was held on January, 31 in the prefecture. Due to the specific character of economy development in the town, a several decades ago a board of directors of Zelenograd companies that are engaged in the electronic industry was created. The sessions of the board are held twice a month, this time the agenda was devoted to the special economic zone "Zelenograd".
Sphere: Science and Industry
18.12.2006 | The World Olympiad of robots "World Robot Olympiad" took place in China (Nanning) in which more than 500 children from 16 countries and more than 150 commands have taken part, including combined team from Zelenograd. Its structure included pupils Interschool option (laboratory) of a robotics. In spring 2006 robotics of Zelenograd won superiority of Russia on LEGO-robots and achieved the right to represent Russia on WRO-2006.
Sphere: Science and Industry
23.10.2006 | From October, 12 till October, 15th, 2006 the Regional exhibition "Innovation Messe Unterschleissheim" passed in Unterschleissheim on which under the invitation of First burgomaster Untershljajshajma Rolf Tsaitler Zelenograd has been presented, the twin-city of Unterschleissheim. The first burgomaster of Unterschleissheim, Mr. R. Tsaitler visited the stand of Zelenograd, noted successful development of partner attitudes between two cities.
Sphere: Science and Industry
Advice on a science, technologies and formation
17.10.2006 | On October, 17th, 2006 the President of Russia Vladimir Putin lead in Zelenograd annual session of Advice on a science, technologies and formation headed by him. Zelenograd - earlier closed scientifically-industrial centre - is now Russian "Silicone valley" where the hi-tech enterprises are concentrated.
Sphere: Science and Industry
20.03.2006 | On March, 16, 2006 in Zelenograd joint Russian-German venture "Company Smart Cards" (CSC) opened a line on production of SIM-cards, the productions capacities of which are located on the territory of OSC "SRIME and Micron". On an official ceremony was present the president of "System" A. Goncharuk, the general manager of business concern "SITRONICS" (in the past - "Concern Scientific Center") E. Ytkin, the prefect ZelAD A. Smirnov, the prefect deputy A. Telminov, the general manager of OSC of "SRIME and Micron" G. Krasnikov, chief of the Moscow underground of D. Gaev and other officials.
Sphere: Science and Industry
A special technical-inculcational zone
07.03.2006 | In February the leader of federal agency on the management by the special economic areas Y. Jdanov visited MIET (rector is corresponding member of RAS Y. Chaplygin). During his tour he visited a variety of scientific laboratories and the exhibition of achievements of MIET, and also met with guidance of the Institute. The visit was bound up with the creation in Zelenograd a special technical-inculcational zone in which the innovative complex of MIET entered.
Sphere: Science and Industry
30.01.2006 | On prognoses data on the end of 2005 of all in Zelenograd administrative district is totaled 2570 small enterprises (SE) and 2760 individual businessmen. On industrial production and scientific and technical sphere there is 26 % from the general number of small enterprises of the district: 16 % of the enterprises work in industry, 10 % - in scientific and technical sphere. For comparison, according to Mosgorcomstat on the average in Moscow the share of scientific and technical and industrial small enterprises is 14 % (accordingly 4 % - scientific and technical and 10 % - industrial).
Sphere: Science and Industry
10.01.2006 | At session of district board the question "About primary measures on creation of technical-inculcational zone" (TIZ) has been considered. With the basic lecture Alexander Telminov, the chief of department of science and industrial policy of the prefecture of ZelAD has made a speach.
Sphere: Science and Industry
27.12.2005 | The group of muscovites and zelenogradtsev was awarded to the premium of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of a science and technics for development and introduction of the device "Кosmeya", enabling to do the operations on a working heart.
Sphere: Science and Industry
Zelenograd company PICASO 3D supports the holding of the WorldSkills
01.01.1970 |
At the world championship on professional excellence according to WorldSkills standards, PICASO 3D presents its development – Designer X Pro 3D printers.
Sphere: Science and Industry
Zelenograd company PICASO 3D supports the holding of the WorldSkills
01.01.1970 |
At the world championship on professional excellence according to WorldSkills standards, PICASO 3D presents its development – Designer X Pro 3D printers.
Sphere: Science and Industry