Consumer market

In Zelenograd 781 enterprise of retail trade, including 450 shops (from them 29 large area more than 500 sq.m) is totaled, 281 pavilions and stall, 4 markets, rows of ware stalls ("Krukovo").

The Zelenograd townspeople and visitors of district serve 71 public catering establishments in the open network with total of landing places 2467.

For the expired year 60 trading enterprises (including 27 enterprises due to new construction) and 10 public catering establishments are opened in the district.

Cost of a consumer's basket on 01.01.2001 has made 772 rbls., that on 19 rbl. below the Moscow parameter.

In Zelenograd 109 consumer services establishments are function. The volume of the services given by consumer services establishments to the population, has made 145,9 million rbls. (104 % by 1999).